Day 32 – A Walk to Luarca

I can’t say much about this walk except we didn’t get rained upon. It was along cornfields,  highways, and through suburbs.  However, the entrance to Luarca, a 13th century port city, more than made up for the less than inspiring walk.

The walk started out nice. This picture reminded me of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

We have been seeing these grain storage buildings along the Camino. Many are still used for their original purpose, others have been turned into garages, patios, and outdoor bars. In the second picture below, someone turned theirs into a little vacation/guesthouse.

Into the thick woods we walked and up a small but steep mountain.

Luarca from atop the ancient stone wall surrounding the city:

Fishermen using their launch to take their catch to the fish house:

Author: Maureen

I decided to walk across Spain to pursue the many things I love about life: the great outdoors, spending time with friends, meeting new people, food, wine, music, and challenging the physical self. I'm fortunate to have a wonderful husband who has provided me with the encouragement, support, and love I've needed over the past several months of training and preparing.

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