Day 12 – Our Trek to Castro Urdiales 

Today our walk took us out of the Basque region into the Cantabria province after climbing about 70 steps up to the top of a cliff we had a very nice walk along a rails-to-trails path that had been paved and was well attended. Beautiful vistas and from the start we could see our afternoons destination jutting out to the sea off in the distance. Later, the Camino led us along a secondary road over a small mountain, through a small village and then back along the coast.

Pictures to follow when wifi improves.

Sunset the night before our departure:

This tree and rock lined path led us to the coastal path:

Windmills off in the distance:

Denise either meditating or enjoying the view during a rest stop:

You can see our destination city, Castro Urdiales, on the far right:

Our path took us through this old railway tunnel–pretty cool.

Castro Urdiales is getting closer:

A man fishing far below:

Veering away from the coast for a bit.

“The Simpsons” make an appearance along the way:

Another tunnel:

Author: Maureen

I decided to walk across Spain to pursue the many things I love about life: the great outdoors, spending time with friends, meeting new people, food, wine, music, and challenging the physical self. I'm fortunate to have a wonderful husband who has provided me with the encouragement, support, and love I've needed over the past several months of training and preparing.

8 thoughts on “ Day 12 – Our Trek to Castro Urdiales ”

  1. It’s Sunday 9/25 here and I had some time to visit your site again. I am SO IMPRESSED, AWED and HONORED to know two-of-three of you one-wayers! Wow! Your photos are spectacular and the views and adventures represented in them help me appreciate and understand your pilgrimage. Photos of blistered feet, however, make me cringe, and I wish you fast healing! Tomorrow is the first Clinton/Trump debate: will you find a place to watch and will it be captioned in English? Or perhaps you are beyond wondering about political nonsense in the much more ‘real’ present that you are experiencing. Congratulations, Maureen, Judy, and Denise for making your journey together!


    1. Cathy, thanks so much for following along, means a lot to us. We did not watch the debate and since we are 6 hours ahead, I’m not sure it was televised. Just the same, the Europeans are very interested in our election and very worried. Hope all is well. Hello to Charlie.


  2. It’s getting pretty strange back here, so it’s nice to read of your adventures in the real world. My compliments to the photographer(s), the photos are beautiful! But let us see more of the intrepid pilgrims. Enjoy your journey and try to ignore the blisters. As you probably already know, wine makes a good analgesic. Buen viaje!


  3. Just magnificent views. Hope they are just what is needed to invite a “pausa” when you need a short break. So glad that your efforts are rewarded by such visual splendor. And all senses must be pleased – including the sounds of the sea, the smell of good food, and the taste of good beer and wine. 🙂


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