Days 24/25 – Gijon

This morning in Villaviciosa, Denise discovered that the few bumps she had developed the day before were not from her walk in the woods as she had assumed but instead a reaction to bedbugs  . . . 🙀  We are not certain where she met up with them but she did know she had to be certain there weren’t any living among her clothes. So bedbugs, blisters, and a grumpy knee necessitated a bus ride rather than a walk to Gijon to address all three issues. Once we arrived in Gijon, Denise went straight to a laundery center and washed everything she had in her possession.  We then walked to the beach so she could soak in the soothing saltwater.  That, along with hot showers, feet soaking, a bottle of Albariño and some local blue cheese had us all feeling much better.

The bites:

The healing beach:

The wine and cheese:

Oops, gone before I could snap a picture. 😉

Author: Maureen

I decided to walk across Spain to pursue the many things I love about life: the great outdoors, spending time with friends, meeting new people, food, wine, music, and challenging the physical self. I'm fortunate to have a wonderful husband who has provided me with the encouragement, support, and love I've needed over the past several months of training and preparing.

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