What, Where, and Why

Walk, eat, sleep, repeat.  That, along with wonderful food and great wine, describes the life that I will share with two friends as we walk across Spain following the Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) from the city of Irun to Santiago de Compostela.  We are allowing six weeks to complete the 500 mile journey and plan to travel the Camino Norte, the northern most route.  I have set up this photo blog so that friends and family can follow our journey.
This journey actually began one evening in May 2015 over drinks with two friends, Denise and Judy.  We were talking about where we would like to travel on our next vacation when Denise, our American friend residing in Germany, brought up the subject of the three of us walking the Camino de Santiago.  I had never heard of this walk or understood what it entailed but fueled by wine and good friendship, I agreed with enthusiasm.  The next morning I laid awake in bed thinking, “How do I get out of this?”.   Just the same, I was intrigued and decided to pursue the idea.  Over the weeks and then months that followed, I researched the Camino.  Judy, who was somewhat familiar with the Camino,  insisted we watch the movie “The Way”.  That helped.  Over the next several months we watched a documentary or two and Denise continued to coach us from the other side of the Atlantic.  My enthusiasm was building but it was my first trip to REI with Judy that sealed the deal.  We were going to do this.  We had just spent hundreds of dollars on boots and backpacks–life changing in itself.  I realized at that moment I had not just begun planning a long walk, I was starting a whole new chapter in my life.  Walk, eat, sleep, repeat . . .


Author: Maureen

I decided to walk across Spain to pursue the many things I love about life: the great outdoors, spending time with friends, meeting new people, food, wine, music, and challenging the physical self. I'm fortunate to have a wonderful husband who has provided me with the encouragement, support, and love I've needed over the past several months of training and preparing.

19 thoughts on “What, Where, and Why”

  1. It has been amazing to follow the three of you in this journey, the pictures, the story behind most of the pictures, it makes me wish to make the trip one day!
    I am sure it was worth the time, and now you are coming back within more then what you left!

    Thank you all for sharing this experience, take good care of your self and keep enjoy your time.
    I will be sharing this page if it ok? so that many more can see what el camino us all about.

    Liked by 1 person

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